By Lottie Dalziel
Judy Friedlander is an academic, journalist and the founder of FoodFaith: Planting Seeds.
We spoke with Judy, about the new BandB Highway initiative which will help birds, bees and butterflies threatened by urbanisation across Sydney.
“There is now alarming evidence of a serious decline in birds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The research is conclusive but we all recognise we are not seeing the diverse nature we experienced as children.”
"This has implications for our food supply, for life. And we should not just be thinking of ourselves – the human animals – but the other species we share the earth with. But, importantly, we can help."
The Sydney B&B Highway is one of the first pollinator highways in Australia.
So far, Judy and her team have planned, planted and started pollinating in four different LGAs in Sydney. Which “translates to more bees, birds and butterflies!”
RELATED: How to give back to the bees
FoodFaith is planning on expanding and growing the number of BnB’s around Sydney and eventually the rest of the country.
So how can individuals get involved and help save these precious creatures? Judy has a couple of ideas.
First up, it is time to get gardening “plant more native plants but don’t rule out other flowering plants from around the world. Ensure that there is something flowering, if possible, at all times of the year.” Check out Better Homes and Gardens gardening’s flowering guide.
Also, think about “installing a native stingless beehive” in your backyard. You can order these guys online and they will do their buzzness without disturbing you or the family. If you are more after temporary guests set up an insect hotel in your yard and “leave some ground free for other pollinators who make their home in the ground.”
To find more about the BnB Highway, head to the Green Future speaker series. Join Judy Friedlander from UTS to learn practical ways to combat climate
change in your own garden, on June 9.