Supplier Stories: Your Sustainable Hair Care Solution with Le Lapin
By Grace Park
After finding that conventional shampoos damaged the natural balance of her hair and scalp, Natasha Thorondor went on the search for a natural hair cleanser. Realising how difficult this was, she decided to make one herself, starting with a simple apple cider vinegar wash. She expanded upon this initial design, experimented on creating her own skincare, and overtime began to see the first ideas for Le Lapin.
Natasha started Le Lapin in 2021 with the desire to create clean and natural beauty products that were effective, sustainable, plant-based, synthetic free, refillable, and, perhaps most importantly, single-use plastic free. A difficult bill to fill, but certainly not impossible!
Le Lapin provides hair and skin care products that are of 100% natural origins to simplify self-care and help consumers make more mindful choices that move away from harmful products and practices that are widespread in the cosmetic industry. Le Lapin has received a number of awards for both their innovative products as well as their brand ethics.
Natasha also deeply integrates her love and gratitude for our planet in her brand, choosing to use aluminium containers rather than glass for their endless recyclability. Even more, you can return your empty bottles and jars to Le Lapin, who will then sanitise and refill them for future products! Through this closed loop recycling programme, Natasha has made participating in eco-conscious practices easy, accessible and completely free.
Currently, Le Lapin is working to become 100% plastic free, specifically addressing the mixed materials in product dispensers like pumps and droppers that are difficult to recycle. An ambitious goal but considering the growing attention on sustainability and the new innovations that are being created in response, Natasha is confident that this goal is entirely possible.
Find Natasha’s favourite - the Hare Shampoo & Conditioner - and their entire Le Lapin range here.