Foodbank: Fighting food waste, hunger and food insecurity in Australia
Foodbank is the largest hunger relief charity in Australia, their mission is to link surplus food and groceries with people in need. In this episode, Hosted by Lottie Dalziel, we talk to Sarah Pennell, General manager and company secretary at Foodbank Australia. Sarah explains their response to not only the bushfires but coronavirus and how households can play their part in reducing food waste.
If food waste was a country it would be the third largest producer of greenhouse gases after China and the US. Not only that but it has a huge economic impact on our economy with masses of food not even making it off farms.
For Sarah, food sustainability is all about ensuring that perfectly good food doesn't go to waste. She believes that while there are people that need, and there are, we must help put a meal on their table.
Australia produces enough food to feed 60 million people, but one in five Australians has been affected by food insecurity over the last 12 months. These two facts simply don't add up. As someone who's been in this industry for almost 10 years, Sara gives us more insight into the problem and what Foodbank's work towards its solution.
Want to find out more? Listen to the full episode below.
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