Reducing waste doesn't have to stop when you leave your own home, here are a couple of habits that will help you do your bit at work.
Printing - this is a habit one that has been in motion for a while. If your workplace isn't paper-free think before you print. It might mean switching to emailing someone an attachment rather than printing off reams of paper. Colour printing uses more ink than black and white. Also looking to brainstorm a great idea, grab some unwanted paper and use that for your doodle sessions. Does your company post a lot? Shred your unwanted paper and use it as packing material. Don't let old cartridges go to waste, it's cheaper and better for the environment to get them refilled.
Bathrooms - before you reach for reams of paper towels dry your digits with a hand dryer.
Commuters - switch to walking, riding or catching public transport to work. Alternatively creating a carpool program with other employees. This will not only reduce your fuel costs, tolls but will reduce emissions. Or avoid the commute (and extra commissions) altogether? Is your workplace flexible with you working remotely?
Coffee - one of the biggest trends right now is the reusable coffee cup. Join the bandwagon and help reduce the 1 billion disposable coffee cups Australian's churn through every year. Forgot your cup? No dramas grab a similar sized mug from the kitchen and go to your favourite coffee shop, make sure you choose one with a steady handle because they get hot! If you do manage to wind up with a coffee cup remember the lids can still be recycled.
Lunch - not a big fan of packing your lunch? No dramas. Instead of opting for a takeaway option switch your lunch option to dine-in. Not only will you help reduce waste but you'll have some good quality time out of the office. If you'd prefer to grab and go to the nearest green space for some fresh air for lunch grab your own reusable cutlery rather than plastic knives and forks.
Water - grab yourself a desk buddy, not the kind that keeps you distracted but one who keeps you hydrated! Have a desk water bottle to help reduce the need for one-off bottle purchases. Not a fan of drinking from large bottles? Grab yourself a drinking glass and better yet you'll need to get up for refills more.
Be proactive, chat to your manager or HR team about how as a company you can reduce waste on a larger scale. It may mean switching the weekly bound report to an email.
Remember every little bit counts, there's no time to waste.
Do you have any extra tips on how to reduce waste? We'd love to hear from you send us an email