How to Have a Sustainable Picnic
By Hamish Day
If there one thing we all enjoy it's getting outdoors for a picnic with friends. It's the perfect a way to have fun and reconnect with nature and remind ourselves of what we are all working so hard to protect. But in amongst all the fun it can be hard to keep sustainability and zero waste a top priority. So, here are some quick tips to help you reduce your waste at your next picnic and make it that little bit ‘greener’.
Choosing the right picnic mat
We all remember those awful, plastic checked picnic rugs mum and dad would bring to the park. Well, it’s time for an upgrade! And here are some perfect sustainable swaps. Sol Seekers’s picnic rugs are light, strong, soft and made from 100% recycled plastic they are also completely water repellent, the perfect companion for outdoor activities. For a natural fabric alternative Wandering Sol’s picnic rug has a water repellent waxed canvas under layer with a soft quilted top. Both sustainable swaps not only have a limited impact on the environment but they look incredible!
Silicone Alternatives
I know it can be easy to wrap up your picnic goodies in cling-wrap and zip lock bags but making the change to silicone food pouches and covers will make a world of difference to the planet. Cling-wrap and other soft plastics we use for food storage and can rarely be recycled and stay in the natural environment for long after your picnic is done and dusted. Switching to a silicon alternative is the way to go.
Lunchboxes and Containers
Transporting food from home and back is always a headache but it’s all part of the fun of a picnic. These lunchboxes and containers make it easy and they will last a lifetime. Activated Eco's stylish stainless steel bento lunch box’s and the perfect addition to your picnic kit, they are durable as well as leakproof and dishwasher safe.
Ditch the plastic straws
Australian’s use an estimated 10 million plastic straws every day, and over 3.5 Billion a year that is a staggering amount. So, when you have your next picnic think twice about whether you really need those straws. Activated Eco offers a great silicone alternative so you can say goodbye to those plastic straws for good, they are also perfect for kids. Metal straws are another alternative and are my personal favourite, they are easy to wash and made from marine grade stainless steel so they'll last forever.