Everything you need to know about bokashi compost bins

Everything you need to know about bokashi compost bins

 bokashi bin

By Lottie Dalziel

Recycling your food waste is, in my opinion, one of the easiest ways to significantly reduce your waste. When it comes to composting bokashi bins are often the least talked about but they're actually one of the easiest systems to implement in your home. 

How does it work?

Bokashi is an anaerobic composting method which means that it requires no oxygen, food scraps are placed into the bin and ferment and breakdown over a period of weeks. This mixture which is rich in nitrogen is then buried in the soil which helps regenerate and improve the health of the soil in just over 2 weeks. 

What are the benefits of bokashi composting?

  • Great for all households no outdoor space required
  • Store under your sink or in the laundry
  • Can take all food waste (including meat and dairy)
  • Produces "liquid gold" nitrogen-rich fertiliser 
  • Airtight container so it won't smell


Where do you put it?

Where you'll use it! Your bokashi won't smell so pop it where you have space and where everyone will make the most use out of it. This could be under your kitchen sink or in your laundry.

What can I put in it?

One of the biggest advantages of the bokashi system is that it can take pretty much anything! 

  • Vegetable and fruit scraps (including onion and citrus)
  • Meat (including small bones)
  • Dairy
  • Bread, rice and pasta

Where do you get them from?

If you're looking for a discounted bokashi bin check out Compost Revolution otherwise head to your local hardware or Bunnings. This is the one I used in the past

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy! All you need to is set up the bin by placing the tray in the bottom and start adding scraps! Most kits come with an accelerator so after you put in a large number of scraps give it a quick spray or add some sawdust to speed up the process, this isn't necessary though.

What do you do once the Bokashi bin is full?

Once you've filled up your bin leave it for one week to further ferment. In the meantime prepare your garden or find someone who has a garden to bury it in (you can use the ShareWaste app for this). 

If you're burying it yourself I'd recommend digging a long trench along a garden bed to get the best bang for your buck as the bokashi goodness will work all the way along the bed. 

If you're looking to regenerate your grass simply dig a hole, bury the bokashi and cover it up. When the bin is full again make a hole diagonal and work your way through your grass like a checkerboard, as you go along you will be able to see a visible difference.

What can I use the runoff for? 

As your food waste starts to breakdown and ferment it will produce a golden liquid which is rich in proteins and nutrients - everything your plants will enjoy! Drain your bokashi tea and dilute it 1:20, this is very important as it is so rich that if you pour it straight onto your plants it will kill them, get the balance right and they will thrive!

About the author

Lottie Dalziel is the founder and editor in chief of Banish. She has a passion for the environment and wants to help educate and inspire individuals to make small changes towards a more sustainable future. Stay up to date with her latest challenges on Instagram @banish.au.

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