By Lottie Dalziel
Launched in 2019, MOBECO is the brand child of fitness guru Rachael Muldoon."The aim of our business is to change the health and fitness industry for good. We want to extend conscious purchases beyond homewares, ‘single use’ and the fashion industry to reach a completely new arena."
Beautifully designed, functional and made from natural materials MOBECO are an essential to every home, "props and items that look good and serve real function are more likely to stay out of the cupboard and be used more frequently," Rachael explains.
"We’re making MOBECO the new standard for the industry and are banishing cheap, brightly coloured, tacky balls and rollers. We provide a luxurious, beautiful looking range that everyone will be proud to own and display in their home."
The materials each item are made from have been hand-picked and selected. Cork is a naturally durable product that will not absorb any sweat and bacteria. When cork is harvested it is taken only from the bark, allowing the tree to continue to grow.
Rachael's favourite and MOBECO's best selling product is the Cork Peanut. "This little beauty is a great all rounder. Don't let its funny shape confuse you. This can be used almost everywhere on the body. It's travel friendly and light weight so you can take it anywhere."
MOBECO have proudly partnered with the non-profit One Tree Planted to plant 1 tree with every order. Trees play a major role in our ecosystem and combating carbon emissions. We firmly believe in One Tree Plated and their mission to reforest our planet and provide education and awareness on these issues.