By 2050 it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the sea, we have the power to make changes that will help build a cleaner, greener environment for the future. Plastic Free July is the national movement where Australians ditch plastic for one month to help change their habits and environment.
Before you put this in the "too hard basket" choose what you can do this month whether it be to avoid plastics like the ones in your recycle bin, ditching single use takeaway items like coffee cups and water bottles that end up in the ocean or go completely plastic free! This checklist is a great way to help make decisions about your daily choices.
One of the most important things is to think twice when you are going through your daily life because without realising you are probably using more plastic than you think. You could probably guess them, but the four biggest contributors to plastic waste in Australia are... drum roll please... single use coffee cups, plastic water bottles, straws and plastic bags! Single-use items equate to over 50% of our plastic waste. One of the easiest switches to make this month is being conscious of the amount of single-use plastic you are using and #choosetorefuse.
For more information on how you can get on board click here.